Live event at Alachua County Library District at Gainesville, FL

June 8th(THU), 2017  1 PM  – 3 PM
at Alachua County Library District
401 E University Ave Gainesville, Florida, FL 32601

Please also check the official information.
Artist Visit: Mitsuhiro Arita
– article on the official blog of the library
Artist Visit: Mitsuhiro Arita – Event calendar of the library.

I’ll show images by the projector and use the computer in this event. I probably do easy Digital live demo too. If you interested in my Analog live demo, please check the another post too.

*I only sign for the children under 12. It’s free but personalization required.
*I think I can’t sell anything inside the library. So if you want to buy something please check Live demo at The Sequential Artists Workshop on the same day from 6 pm in Gainesville or Ocala Comic Con on the same weekend.
*Please be aware the plan would be changed until the last minute.

Live Demo at The Sequential Artists Workshop at Gainesville, FL

June 8th(THU)  2017 6:00 PM  (60-90min)
at The Sequential Artists Workshop
710 SE 2 St, Gainesville, FL 32601

For the people who don’t know about me, here is the link for my Biography.

I’ll do Watercolor Live demo. I am not good at speaking in English, but I’ll show you my sketchbook (This is very rare chance) and my tools and talk at least about them.

This is the Live Demo event basically, so if you want to ask me signing or commission, please come to Ocala Comic Con. It’s right after this event, from June 10th – 11th. But for the people expect to get something, I’m planning the things below. Be sure, this could be changed until just before the event.

*I’ll sign for one item for one person and it’s free. But if you bring Pokémon Card, personalization is required.
*I’ll sign for the items that you brought. The signing fee is $5 / item. Be aware it doesn’t mean you can get another signed card.
*I’ll sell some of my products like Artbooks and prints. I’ll sign them for free.
*If you certainly come to Ocala Comic Con , You can place the order of the Commission. The price is from $60 for Black and White drawing on A4 size paper for example. The price is different depends on the style and subject.

Live Demo at BRAVE&BOLD VOL.2

May 6th(SAT) 2017
Kawasaki, Japan > Access

This is the American Comic Fan’s live drawing event in Japan. Many of Japanese and several foreign artists will do live demo in the event.


  • 私は6日のみ参加予定です。ライブドローイングは6日17時からです。
  • コミッション受け付けます。先着順、事前コミッションはナシの予定ですので4、5名で締め切りの可能性が高いです。希望者が多ければできるだけ対応できるよう変更する可能性もあります。コミッションルールについては馬越先生のまとめを参考にしてください。
  • ライブのみ、デスクなしのつもりだったので特に物販の用意をしていません。『有田満弘 カルドセプト画集』や『LONELY OWL』の購入をご希望の方は、事前にご連絡頂ければお持ちします。


Here is the image I drew at BRAVE&BOLD Vol.1 in last year. Mixed media on Color board. B3 (364 x 515 mm). About 20min.