Illustrator / Designer / Artist
What is the ART CARD?
ART CARD is Mitsuhiro Arita’s original merchandise: A5-sized prints on heavyweight paper. You can purchase them at events. Currently, there are two major series named Animals in Suits and JIDAI. Both are collections of a series of gouache paintings. Only the Animals in Suits is sold at the online store in a 15-page booklet style, but all of the Animals in Suits and JIDAI cards and some of the secret cards are sold only at the events.
Event ART CARD Project
The ART CARDS have become popular since its debut. People frame and display them on the wall. Even some people send them to the grading company. So, Mitsuhiro decided to create a series of memorial ART CARD for each event. It is the Event ART CARD.
It will be created every time Mitsuhiro appears at an event. The artwork will be newly drawn, and the subjects will be based on his original fantasy world. There are two variants:
All the Event ART CARD will SOLD ONLY AT THE EVENT unless Mitsuhiro quits the event appearance.
I want to release at least twelve cards.
About the MTG-related plans >
Lumra Wallpaper is Available >
DEXERTO / Legendary Pokemon TCG Artist Mitsuhiro Arita on designing his first-ever MTG card
MMORPG / The Art Of Magic: The Gathering’s Bloomburrow – Two Guests Artists Speak On Drawing MTG
Polygon / Pokémon TCG legend Mitsuhiro Arita on illustrating his first Magic: The Gathering card
Auction Link to Playmat Auction and Sketch Auction
Making Video on: Youtube
Auction Period: September 11th 1pm-15th 1pm (JST)
Note: If a bid is placed within the last 5 minutes, the auction end time will be extended by an additional 5 minutes.
Hi all,
I appreciate your continued support.
Last week, the Final Redemption TCG, a Kickstarter campaign currently running, announced that I would be involved in it.
Unfortunately, due to internal issues within the project, we have agreed that I will leave it. I apologize to everyone who had been looking forward to it.
There is no possibility for the draft that was released to become a Card. However, I got permission to finish that draft, make a print of it. Many thanks to the project members who permitted me.
It may take a while, but please subscribe to my online store‘s newsletter if you are interested.
Thank you so much.
Aug 4th, 2021 Mitsuhio
10/4発売ポケモンカードハイクラスパック『タッグオールスターズ』パッケージ、オーロット&ヨノワールGX(RR)、 トゲピー&ピィ&ププリンGX(RR) イラストを担当しています。よろしくお願いいたします。
7/5発売のポケモンカード強化拡張『リミックスバウト』のパッケージ、フシギバナ&ツタージャGX(RR)、リザードン&テールナーGX(RR)、カメックス&ポッチャマGX(RR) イラストを担当しています。よろしくお願いいたします。