
Interview: Mitsuhiro Arita – Swaps4

18th January 2021 Illustration Magazine
6pages interview is contained in the special article about Pokemon Cards.
13th December 2021 Journal du Japon in France in France by
Nathan Boulant

In French:

February 27, 2020 FEATURE ARTICLE : Uncovering The Hidden Inspiration And Stories Behind Pokemon Cards by Will Potter
23rd July 2019 at Hyper Japan in London by Braysh Gaming
26th July 2019 at Hyper Japan in London by Crystal Turner(left) Adam Turner(right)
25th Oct 2020 Mitsuhiro Arita: Meet the man behind the illustrations Pokémon Trading Card Game by ARAB JAPAN in Dubai

English : Mitsuhiro Arita: Meet the man behind the illustrations Pokémon Trading Card Game

「イラストレーター・有田満弘が語る、ポケモンカードゲームの余白と遊び」 by JDN
Interview with Shade 3D in Japan by Lauri Caravaca | Facebook
By Kallie Plagge  on February 27, 2021

Raser Kiyo Pro 修理で困っている


配信やビデオミーティングでカメラを毎回セットアップするのが面倒で、据え置き用にRazerのKiyo ProというWeb Camを購入。暗所性能や色のバランスが比較的良く、オートフォーカスが弱い以外は問題なく使用していた。
購入後三度ほどファームウェアのアップデートがあり、毎回オートフォーカスの改善が項目に挙がっていたので満を持してアップデートしようとしたが、うまくいかない。巷の書き込みを調べてみると、ファームウェアアップデートでKiyo Proが使用できなくなったという報告や、Razerのサポートへの批判なども出てきたが、Razerのシェアや利用環境の多様性を考えればそういう報告はあって当然だろうという程度に考えていた。






When Mitsuhiro comes back to overseas events?

July 30th Update:
I’m happy to announce that I’ll resume talking with multiple overseas events.
My life is not forever. After thinking about what I can and can only do now, I have decided to go wherever there are people who want to meet me as much as possible.

My life is not forever. After thinking about what only I can and can only do now, I have decided to go wherever there are people who want to meet me as much as I can.

The world map image directly linked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan’s website shows today’s situation.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Phased Measures for Resuming Cross-Border Travel | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (

Measures to restrict entry of Japanese nationals and travelers from Japan into countries and regions related to the new coronavirus and conditions and restrictions on entry into Japan


COVID-19 Information – U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Japan (

海外安全ホームページ: 危険・スポット・広域情報 (

About Crowdfunding Campaign

I decided, Basically, I don’t work on the projects that is running as a crowdfunding campaign.

I’ve been getting inquiries to work on the projects that currently running on the crowdfunding campaigns.
As a professional artist, if the budget and conditions are fair, it’s just a job.
But the people running a crowdfunding campaign are not strictly obligated to refund if the project fails.
Pledging to a crowdfunding campaign is like purchasing a dream that could become a reality. Some of them end up remaining dreams.
Also, most people who had been contact me was use my name without agreement.

That’s the reason I decided I will not work for the cloud founding campaign.

Suppose I decide to join a crowdfunding project with people I trust, or run my own crowdfunding campaign. In this case, I will make an official announcement here or in the official store’s newsletter. Please note that even in this case, it only means that I judge the project to be worthwhile for us to venture together. It does not commit you to the success of the project itself.

Please don’t believe any new without my official announcement.

If you are the owner of the crowdfunding projects and seriously would like to have me, I’ll make another post about the screening process and conditions.

If you have a question about this post, please send it as a message from Ko-fi.
See the other answers for the general questions.

About canceling of my involvement in Final Redemption TCG

Maiden & Dragon

Hi all,

I appreciate your continued support.

Last week, the Final Redemption TCG, a Kickstarter campaign currently running, announced that I would be involved in it.

Unfortunately, due to internal issues within the project, we have agreed that I will leave it. I apologize to everyone who had been looking forward to it.

There is no possibility for the draft that was released to become a Card. However, I got permission to finish that draft, make a print of it. Many thanks to the project members who permitted me.

It may take a while, but please subscribe to my online store‘s newsletter if you are interested.

Thank you so much.

Aug 4th, 2021 Mitsuhio

Illustration 229


About this issue of The Illustration Magazine
Illustration 229 –
*All the articles are written in Japanese, but you can read it with Apps has Translate Images function.

I personally corporate with it drawing cover illustration and had a six pages long interview.

Purchasing can ship to other countries, but they seems can’t ship to US and UK.
Here is the direct link.

If you are in the coverage area of Kinokuniya might help you.


If you are in UK, I guess some book stores that selling Japanese books might help you.

Illustration 299 Think about Pokémon Cards from the Illustration Perspective.


This iis not a survey about Signing Event. If you just would like to get a sign, leave from this page immediately..

  • 新しい項目を追加する

Live Online Drawing with Mitsuhiro Arita | Hyper Japan

Saturday, 15th August 2020 

1PM (BST – UK)  
8 AM (EDT – East Coast USA)  
2PM (CEST – Central Europe)  
9PM (JST – Japan) 

HYPER JAPAN YouTube Channel 

The drawing from the stream will be digitised and proceeds will go to supporting the fight against COVID-19.